About Me

Currently, I am working as a Machine Learning Engineer, and I want to share my knowledge and experience with everyone. Python is a very simple language. It gives you just enough to get started and doesn’t add extra features for small things. Moreover, the recent boom in Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning has helped Python to grow like never before, thanks to the vast number of Python libraries in these fields. Some of them I personally like are TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Keras, Streamlit, Flask, etc.

Why Did I Start Galaxy Of AI?

This is our platform to share our knowledge and experience with the developers’ community. We hope our articles will save you time and help you get things done quickly. Our mission is not only to write high-quality articles but also to keep them updated with the latest changes in the language and technologies.

Technical Skills

PythonNext.jsGenAILLM DevelopmentMachine LearningTensorFlowPyTorchLangchainOpenAI APIHugging Face