Everything About Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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Table Of Contents

  • Introduction
  • What is AI?
  • What is algorithm and data? 
  • supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement
  • What is Deep learning?
  • Natural language processing (NLP)
  • Robotics
  • Computer Vision
  • How can we learn to make Artificial Intelligence systems?
    • Maths
    • Statistics
    • Programming language basics
    • Analytical Skills
  • How AI is used today? 
  • How AI will impact the future?
  • How AI is helping Any country?
  • Summary
  • References


in this post, we get an idea of what is artificial intelligence and we get some brief knowledge of Artificial Intelligence(AI). what is it, and how we used it in our day-to-day life. What is the impact of AI in the future?

Everything About Artificial Intelligence (AI)

What is AI?

  • Artificial Intelligence(Al) is the ability of a computer or machine to do things or make decisions just like a person.
  • Al makers want to create systems similar to ours that can do things creatively, answer logically, and learn new things.

Algorithm And Data 

  • An algorithm is a set of guidelines that describes how to perform a task. Think of it like a recipe for any cooking dish. 
  • Data is a collection of information gathered by observation, questioning, or measurement.
  • There are many streams of AI today and the most prevalent one called is Machine Learning.

Machine Learning

  • Machine learning (ML) is a part of Al. Its main idea is that computer systems can learn from the data they get from doing tasks and having experiences in the past.
  • Remember how we recognize cats? That is Machine Learning, the cat and animal pictures and the books she used to train us are data sets.
  • Data sets can be any collection of information, such as a large number of cat pictures.

There are three kinds of machine learning:

supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement.

Supervised Learning:

  • Supervised Learning is when an AI system can predict based on the data it already has. How We learn about cats by seeing the cat which is an example of supervised machine learning.

Unsupervised Learning:

  • Unsupervised Learning is when an AI system does something unexpected. For example, it finds patterns in data.

Reinforcement Learning: 

  • Reinforcement Learning is a part of AI in which a machine learns something in a way that is similar to how people learn. 
  • Take the machine as an example. Let’s say it’s a student. In this situation, the hypothetical student learns from their mistakes over time. 

What is Deep learning?

  • Deep Learning is a type of machine learning where the system uses a network similar to the human brain called “neural networks” to process data and make predictions.

Natural language processing (NLP)

  • Natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of computer science that tries to make computers read and listen to natural languages and understand them. 
  • NLP by AI platforms lets people have conversations, like messaging apps and chatbots.


  • Robotics is the study of making machines look and act like people. Now, robots can sometimes behave like people, but can they also think like people? 
  • Artificial intelligence comes into play here! Al makes it possible for robots to act smartly in certain situations.

Computer Vision

  • Computer Vision is the ability through which computers or systems understand things from digital images or videos.
  • It is almost like making machines see the world as we do.

How can we learn to make Artificial Intelligence systems?

Here are the things we need to know to learn about artificial intelligence:


  • We need to know maths and have good skills before we start. Maths has helped Artificial Intelligence engineers do their best work and use their skills to the fullest extent. 
  • Understanding things like linear algebra, probability, multivariate calculus, vectors, and analytical geometry are important.


  • Statistics is an essential part of getting useful information from data, spotting trends, and understanding how well a model works. 
  • So it is important to have a basic understanding of statistics.

Programming language basics:

  • We need to know the basics of a programming language.
  • Python or R programming are good choices, but that’s not a requirement. But it is essential because most classes build on what you already know.

Analytical Skills:

  • Problem-solving skills are analytical skills. They are traits and qualities that let you think logically and rationally about problems and find the best way to solve them.

How AI is used today? 

Travel and Navigation :

  • We might have used maps on phones to guide us to our destination at some point in our life. 
  • AI helps us to find faster routes and predict the time needed based on traffic.

Social Media Feeds :

  • Whatever we see on social media, YouTube, and music apps is influenced by AI.
  • These systems learn based on what are the things we like and watch more and show us more of similar things.

Security and Surveillance : 

  • We might have seen cameras kept in public places or even in someone’s homes to ensure protection. 
  • Some of these cameras in big cities function with the help of AI by using technologies such as facial recognition and object and location recognition. 
  • AI helps to monitor the videos from various cameras kept in public places to find criminals to ensure the safety of the people.

Voice Assistants :

  • Voice assistants in our phones like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistants are some of the common examples of AI. They use NLP to communicate with us.

Healthcare :

  • With the help of Al, it has become easier to diagnose diseases such as cataracts and cancers. Early diagnosis of diseases saves lives. 
  • AI is also helping us with diagnosis in places where there are very few hospitals and doctors.

How AI is helping Any country?

AI in Defense :

  • AI in defense, developing drones, unmanned vehicles, and other weapons. 
  • The use of AI in defense is strengthening the defense sector as a whole.

Road Safety :

  • The Road and Transport Ministry of Most countries has been using it to control road accidents.
  • They were placing cameras and other surveillance means based on AI for monitoring any negligence that causes accidents and other security concerns on roads.

Education : 

  • Most countries are using AI to maximize student achievements and improve the productivity of teachers. 
  • For example, adaptive-learning technology could base recommended content for students on past success and engagement with the material.

Crisis Response :

  • Using Al for crisis response enables fighting specific crisis-related challenges, such as responses to natural and human-made disasters, search and rescue missions, and the outbreak of diseases. 
  • For instance, using Al on satellite data to map and predict the progression of wildfires and thereby optimize the response of firefighters.

Security and Justice :

  • Using Al for security and justice involves challenges in society, such as preventing crime and other physical dangers, tracking criminals, mitigating bias in the police force, etc.

Space Research :

  • From deploying Chandrayaan to other space research initiatives, there is a presence of Al in the activities of ISRO. 
  • For example, there are Al-enabled monitoring systems for forest conservation, geospatial technology-based services, multi-tracking radars, etc., developed by ISRO with the help of AI.

Sustainable Development :

  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are among the best-known and most frequently cited societal challenges. 
  • Governments worldwide have been using Al to meet many of the SDGs.

How AI will impact the future?

  • Take a look at our favorite devices like our phones, laptops, and personal computers. Today many of them unlock by recognizing your fingerprint or face, right? It uses face filters to detect and identify the owner of the device and then it allows us to use our device. 
  • We all use these technologies, but we were not aware that this AI technology is called the “facial recognition technique.” 
  • So, Al is everywhere around us and we have to know about them.

There are multiple other ways in which AI will have a huge impact, and these include:

Automation :

  • Imagine a machine in a factory that manufactures cars in the same way over and over again. Al has the capability to learn from the things which it sees and it can perform the task very fast. 
  • Many tasks such as packing goods, data entry, and machine maintenance required people to do it in a similar manner. 
  • Now, companies are using Al to do these repetitive tasks and free people to do other productive tasks for better business growth.

Self-driving cars :

  • In the movie “Taarzan: The Wonder Car” -people watched how a car can run without a driver. And now with the help of AI, there are cars that do not need any human to drive. 
  • The vehicle with the help of AI will understand what is going on around it and based on this information, it can move safely on the roads.
  • Take, for example, in February 2022, Cruise started offering driverless taxi rides to the general public, in San Francisco in the US.

Al improves social media :

  • The use of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Koo, and WhatsApp is increasing. People automatically get updates on new videos, show different posts, and recommend connecting with people. 
  • All these things happen due to Al technology as it understands whatever you have seen in the past, learns from them, and then gives suggestions to help users.

Robots for help :

  • In the classroom, a single teacher is not able to look after each child. In the future, we will have robots that will talk like us, move, listen, and connect with students to help them solve their problems.
  • Robots will cook food for us, clean our homes, water our plants, and can even play songs to dance to at home.
  • The elderly people don’t need to visit a doctor, in the future, for a check-up with a basic stethoscope, we’ll have smart robots for this. 
  • They will communicate with patients, assess their conditions, and determine whether additional appointments are necessary.

AI makes traveling easier :

  • While traveling in cars or cabs, we use GPS technology. The Al-based technology helps in finding the shortest route, it informs us about the traffic on the road and asks us to avoid the route while it finds another route to reach our destination.
  • Cab service providers such as Uber and Ola use this technology and it will further improve. 
  • So, in the future, we will save a lot of time and fuel while traveling in our cars with the help of Al.

Al is a good teacher :

  • Al can fix the guardian meeting, take attendance, check copies, and find mistakes for each and every child in the class. 
  • All these works will be done by AI, so teachers will be free to teach students and take help from AI to understand which student is weak in which area.
  • This will help teachers to improve the performance of students. 
  • Also, Al can make good interactive videos with animations to make chapters easy for students.


So this is the Everything About Artificial Intelligence(AI).

Happy Learning and Keep Learning…📖📖

Thank you…😊😊

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