OpenCV With Python Full Tutorial For Data Science

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Table Of Contents

  • Introduction
  • OpenCV Python Full Tutorial For Data Science
  • What is OpenCV?
  • OpenCV Installation
  • Reading And Displaying Images Using OpenCV And Python
  • Image Resize Using OpenCV And Python
  • Simple Thresholding On Images Using Python And OpenCV
  • What is Thresholding?
  • Types Of Thresholding
  • Summary
  • References


In this post, we are going to learn OpenCV techniques that are used in image processing and used in real-world computer vision-based applications. There are many real-world applications in which images are involved and in processing that images we have to use OpenCV.OpenCV helps us in image processing. this is a huge library and very simple to use it. Thresholding is part of image processing.

Here, We see how we can apply Image Thresholding Using Python and OpenCV.

OpenCV Python Full Tutorial For Data Science

What Is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a library in the field of computer vision that will help us to achieve many many tasks like image processing or video processing here we understand some concepts of Opencv.

Opencv is a very vast library and we can use it with C, C++, Or Python. Documentation is very easy to understand and also code is very easy to understand

There are lots of functions like face detection that will help us to detect the face and then we can easily recognize it.

So OpenCV will help us in many many applications of computer vision.

Here are the applications of computer vision.

  • Face Recognition
  • Object Detection
  • Object Classification
  • Image Recognition
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Robotics

OpenCV Installation

First, we have to install OpenCV using the pip command.

pip install opencv-python

we can check our OpenCV version using the below code.

import cv2

check opencv version

Reading And Displaying Images Using OpenCV And Python

Reading Images and display in new windows

import cv2



cv2.imshow(winname="Test Image",mat=img)
read image using opencv

Display Images With Flags

  • To read the image in RGB color flag=1 by default, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR
  • To read the image in gray color flag=0, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE
  • To read the image as it is flag=-1,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED
import cv2


cv2.imshow(winname="Test Image",mat=img)
read image in gray scale using opencv

Image Resize Using OpenCV And Python

Image resizing is part of image processing. when we are working on images we must resize images in one size which will give us the best result.

Resize Image Using Pixels Values

import cv2


orig_img=cv2.imread(filename="cat.jpg",flags=1) #rgb

cv2.imshow(winname="Original Image",mat=orig_img)
cv2.imshow(winname="Resize Image",mat=resize_img)


Percentage Wise Resize

When we want to resize an image percentage wise like 50% smaller or 50% bigger than the original image or 2 times bigger or 2 times smaller.

here we define value of fx(width) and fy(height).here we set the value of fx=0.5 and fy=0.5 which means that we want to resize our image to 50% smaller than the height and width of the original one.

And here we have to set the value of dsize=(0,0).

import cv2

#fx means Width and fy means Height
img=cv2.imread(filename="cat.jpg",flags=1) #rgb


cv2.imshow(winname="Test Image",mat=img)
cv2.imshow(winname="Resize Image",mat=resize_img)


when we set the value of dsize=(200,200). It will consider that parameter for the resize.

import cv2

#fx means Width and fy means Height
img=cv2.imread(filename="cat.jpg",flags=1) #rgb


cv2.imshow(winname="Original Image",mat=img)
cv2.imshow(winname="Resize Image",mat=resize_img)


Save The Image Using OpenCV And Python

If we want to save any image then we can use imwrite() the function of OpenCV.

let’s take an example, we want to resize an image and save it as a different image then we can use imwrite() function.

It saves images at the given path.

import cv2


orig_img=cv2.imread(filename="cat.jpg",flags=1) #rgb

Convert The Color Of An Image Using OpenCV And Python


import cv2


original image
bgr to gray using opencv


import cv2



Drawing On Images

As we know that an image is nothing but a bunch of pixels.

if our image shape is 100*150(width*height) then the total pixels are 15000 and every pixel has a unique value as per its color ranging between 0 to 255.

If it’s 3 Channel Image(RGB) then it looks like the below,

To Draw on images first we need to access that pixel’s values at the point we want to draw.

Here to show images we use matplotlib library which can be installed using pip.

pip install matplotlib

Accessing Pixel Values

This is the image we used for image processing.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2


Here is a simple example of how we can access the pixel values of an image.

import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Change The Values Of Pixels

Here we are going to change the values of some pixels of an image

import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


#pixels values change

#0 is for black

Opencv takes BGR if we change the pixels values

Brown Color For OpenCV =[42,42,165]

Matplotlib takes RGB color

Dark Blue color For matplotlib = [42,42,165]

import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


#brown color 

#Show Dark Blue Color 
Show Image Using Matplotlib

If we read the above image using OpenCV then we get as below.

Simple Thresholding On Images Using Python And OpenCV

What is Thresholding?

In a simple way threshold value means a specific point or value, and based on that specific pixel point or value we implement some operations on images.

Types Of Thresholding

There are mainly two types of Image Thresholding

  • Simple Thresholding
  • Adaptive Thresholding

To apply simple thresholding on images we required Python and OpenCV installed on our system.

There are mainly Five different thresholding techniques we can apply to our image for image processing.

  • Binary Threshold
  • Binary Inverse Threshold
  • Truncate Threshold
  • To Zero Threshold
  • To Zero Inverse Threshold

Binary Threshold

here we set the threshold value as 100 and the threshold type is binary(0,1), so any pixel value which is greater than or equal to 100 will turn into 255 and all the other pixel values turn into 0.

In the Output image either the pixel values are completely 0 or completely 255.

import cv2



Original Image
After Applying the Binary Threshold

Here we can see the difference in the matrix values of both the images.

[[[ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 48 111  91]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]]

 [[ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]]

 [[ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]
  [ 46 109  89]]


 [[ 69 140 113]
  [ 66 138 108]
  [ 54 128  98]
  [ 68 146 105]
  [ 67 143 101]
  [ 65 142  98]]

 [[ 54 125  98]
  [ 55 127  97]
  [ 52 126  96]
  [ 64 144 101]
  [ 64 143  99]
  [ 64 144  97]]

 [[ 40 111  84]
  [ 47 119  89]
  [ 51 125  95]
  [ 59 142  97]
  [ 62 143  98]
  [ 64 145  98]]]
[[[  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]]

 [[  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]]

 [[  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]]


 [[255 255   0]
  [255 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [255 255   0]
  [255 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]]

 [[  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [255 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]]

 [[  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]
  [  0 255   0]]]

Binary Inverse Threshold

here we set the threshold value as 100 and the threshold type is the binary inverse(0,1), so any pixel value which is greater than or equal to 100 will turn into 0 and all the other pixel values turn into 255.
here we can see either the pixel values are completely 0 or completely 255.

import cv2



Original Image
After applying Binary Inverse

Here we can see the difference in the matrix values of both the images.

[[[ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 48 111  91]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]]

 [[ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]]

 [[ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]
  [ 46 109  89]]


 [[ 69 140 113]
  [ 66 138 108]
  [ 54 128  98]
  [ 68 146 105]
  [ 67 143 101]
  [ 65 142  98]]

 [[ 54 125  98]
  [ 55 127  97]
  [ 52 126  96]
  [ 64 144 101]
  [ 64 143  99]
  [ 64 144  97]]

 [[ 40 111  84]
  [ 47 119  89]
  [ 51 125  95]
  [ 59 142  97]
  [ 62 143  98]
  [ 64 145  98]]]
[[[255 255 255]
  [255 255 255]
  [255 255 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]]

 [[255 255 255]
  [255 255 255]
  [255 255 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]]

 [[255 255 255]
  [255 255 255]
  [255 255 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]]


 [[  0   0 255]
  [  0   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [  0   0 255]
  [  0   0 255]
  [255   0 255]]

 [[255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [  0   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]]

 [[255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]
  [255   0 255]]]

Truncate Threshold

here we set the threshold value as 100 and the threshold type is truncated, so any pixel value which is greater than or equal to 100 will turn into 100, and all the other pixel values remain as it is.

import cv2


Original Image
Truncated Image

Here we can see the difference in the matrix values of both the images.

[[[ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 48 111  91]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]]

 [[ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]]

 [[ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]
  [ 46 109  89]]


 [[ 69 140 113]
  [ 66 138 108]
  [ 54 128  98]
  [ 68 146 105]
  [ 67 143 101]
  [ 65 142  98]]

 [[ 54 125  98]
  [ 55 127  97]
  [ 52 126  96]
  [ 64 144 101]
  [ 64 143  99]
  [ 64 144  97]]

 [[ 40 111  84]
  [ 47 119  89]
  [ 51 125  95]
  [ 59 142  97]
  [ 62 143  98]
  [ 64 145  98]]]
[[[ 79  97  49]
  [ 79  97  49]
  [ 79  97  49]
  [ 91 100  48]
  [ 90 100  47]
  [ 90 100  47]]

 [[ 77  95  47]
  [ 77  95  47]
  [ 77  95  47]
  [ 90 100  47]
  [ 90 100  47]
  [ 89 100  46]]

 [[ 75  93  45]
  [ 75  93  45]
  [ 75  93  45]
  [ 90 100  47]
  [ 89 100  46]
  [ 89 100  46]]


 [[100 100  69]
  [100 100  66]
  [ 98 100  54]
  [100 100  68]
  [100 100  67]
  [ 98 100  65]]

 [[ 98 100  54]
  [ 97 100  55]
  [ 96 100  52]
  [100 100  64]
  [ 99 100  64]
  [ 97 100  64]]

 [[ 84 100  40]
  [ 89 100  47]
  [ 95 100  51]
  [ 97 100  59]
  [ 98 100  62]
  [ 98 100  64]]]

To Zero Threshold

When we apply TOZERO_INV all the value less than the thresh values become 0. and others are remaining as it is.

import cv2



Original Image
To Zero Threshold

Here we can see the difference in the matrix values of both the images.

[[[ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 48 111  91]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]]

 [[ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]]

 [[ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]
  [ 46 109  89]]


 [[ 69 140 113]
  [ 66 138 108]
  [ 54 128  98]
  [ 68 146 105]
  [ 67 143 101]
  [ 65 142  98]]

 [[ 54 125  98]
  [ 55 127  97]
  [ 52 126  96]
  [ 64 144 101]
  [ 64 143  99]
  [ 64 144  97]]

 [[ 40 111  84]
  [ 47 119  89]
  [ 51 125  95]
  [ 59 142  97]
  [ 62 143  98]
  [ 64 145  98]]]
 [[[  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0 111   0]
  [  0 110   0]
  [  0 110   0]]

 [[  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0 110   0]
  [  0 110   0]
  [  0 109   0]]

 [[  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0   0   0]
  [  0 110   0]
  [  0 109   0]
  [  0 109   0]]


 [[113 140   0]
  [108 138   0]
  [  0 128   0]
  [105 146   0]
  [101 143   0]
  [  0 142   0]]

 [[  0 125   0]
  [  0 127   0]
  [  0 126   0]
  [101 144   0]
  [  0 143   0]
  [  0 144   0]]

 [[  0 111   0]
  [  0 119   0]
  [  0 125   0]
  [  0 142   0]
  [  0 143   0]
  [  0 145   0]]]

To Zero Inverse Threshold

import cv2



Original Image
To Zero Inverse Threshold

Here we can see the difference in the matrix values of both the images.

[[[ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 49  97  79]
  [ 48 111  91]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]]

 [[ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47  95  77]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]]

 [[ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 45  93  75]
  [ 47 110  90]
  [ 46 109  89]
  [ 46 109  89]]


 [[ 69 140 113]
  [ 66 138 108]
  [ 54 128  98]
  [ 68 146 105]
  [ 67 143 101]
  [ 65 142  98]]

 [[ 54 125  98]
  [ 55 127  97]
  [ 52 126  96]
  [ 64 144 101]
  [ 64 143  99]
  [ 64 144  97]]

 [[ 40 111  84]
  [ 47 119  89]
  [ 51 125  95]
  [ 59 142  97]
  [ 62 143  98]
  [ 64 145  98]]]
[[[79 97 49]
  [79 97 49]
  [79 97 49]
  [91  0 48]
  [90  0 47]
  [90  0 47]]

 [[77 95 47]
  [77 95 47]
  [77 95 47]
  [90  0 47]
  [90  0 47]
  [89  0 46]]

 [[75 93 45]
  [75 93 45]
  [75 93 45]
  [90  0 47]
  [89  0 46]
  [89  0 46]]


 [[ 0  0 69]
  [ 0  0 66]
  [98  0 54]
  [ 0  0 68]
  [ 0  0 67]
  [98  0 65]]

 [[98  0 54]
  [97  0 55]
  [96  0 52]
  [ 0  0 64]
  [99  0 64]
  [97  0 64]]

 [[84  0 40]
  [89  0 47]
  [95  0 51]
  [97  0 59]
  [98  0 62]
  [98  0 64]]]


This is the simple thresholding on images using Python and OpenCV that we can use in image processing in our computer vision projects.

Download Full Source Code:

Happy Learning And Keep Learning…

Thank You…

Also, you can refer to my other post related to computer vision.


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